Millennials (9)

The Buzz on Millennial Coffee Consumption

Stats, tips and insights to help foodservice and restaurant operators capitalize on coffee consumption trends to drive a higher check average among millennials.

X-TRA Hot Foodservice Trends of Generation X

Gain insight into the too-often-overlooked Generation X, its purchasing power, snack trends and influence on menu innovation.

Raising the Bar: Breakfast Bars as a Better-For-You Snack Trend

Explore the breakfast bar market, with stats and tips to help foodservice operators capitalize on a growing snack trend and get a higher check average.

Yogurt, the Yo-Yo of Millennial Snack Trends

Explore stats, tips and insights regarding yogurt’s rise as a portable millennial snack and versatile staple of the better-for-you snacking trends.

Booming Business: Baby Boomer Snacking Trends

Stats, tips and insights to help foodservice and restaurant operations capitalize on baby boomer snack trends.

Z's Please: 5 Things Foodservice Must Know to Boost Gen Z Business

Stats and tips to help foodservice and restaurant operations tap into snacking trends in the emerging Gen Z market.

Hot and Spicy Snack Trends Help Ignite Sales

Explore the growing popularity of hot and spicy foodservice trends and their relation to growing demand for healthy snacks and the millennial snack market.

Salty Snack Trends Savor Sweet Success

Explore the evolution of salty snack trends and their impact on the foodservice industry and menu innovation.

Batter Up: Healthy Cookies as a Grand Slam Millennial Snack

Stats and insights to capitalize on the foodservice trend of cookies morphing from traditional sweet treats to healthy snacks with millennial appeal.

Sweet Success: Snack Trends Still Cater to Consumers' Sweet Tooth

Stats and tips for foodservice operators who want to balance consumer demand for healthy snacks with sweet snack trends.

5 Trends Driven by Millennials

Millennials are making a major impact on the foodservice industry.

Foodservice Operators Get Sweet on Gluten-Free Snack Trends

A fresh look at snack trends in gluten-free foodservice, with stats and tips on menu innovation for health-conscious millennials.

A Healthy Obsession: Millennial Feel-Good Snack Trends

An overview of the healthy and clean label foodservice trends that drive menu innovation for millennial dining and snacking.

Talking Trash, Taking Action: A Waste Reduction Foodservice Trend

Stats and tips to help restaurant operations capitalize on the foodservice trend of food waste reduction.

Dark Chocolate Lights Up Snack Sales

The rising popularity of dark chocolate as a healthy snack and clean label foodservice trend that suits millennial preferences.

Small Foodservice Operators, Big Opportunities

Challenges and opportunities for small foodservice operators and restaurant operations, with an emphasis on snacking trends and millennial dining.

Cooking Up Successful Email Campaigns

Email marketing is the most effective digital marketing for customer retention, for millenials and in general.

Fall Snack Attack: A New Season of Snacking

Snacking trends for fall 2016, with recipes and statistics for foodservice operators.

E‑Commerce: A Feast of Opportunities and Challenges

traditional brick-and-mortar foodservice operators must reposition themselves as players in the e commerce space or risk becoming irrelevant.

Micro Market Mania: Past, Present, Future

A macro picture of micro markets can deepen your understanding of them and help you grab a bigger piece of the constantly growing self-service pie.

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